エンタメ 公開日:2018/11/12 コメント数:0 編集者:Google+吉田兼好 【BTSvsユダヤ】ついに英国ガーディアンが報じる、アウシュビッツ被害者のコスプレがヤバい BTS なんJ 韓国 1: 風吹けば名無し: 2018/11/12(月) 19:50:12.02 ID:x4QxEMIxM.net TS should apologise to Japan and Nazi victims, says rabbi A Jewish human rights organisation has condemned the record-breaking K-pop band BTS over photographs of them wearing Nazi-style hats. The Simon Wiesenthal Center accused BTS, who last week were dropped from a Japanese...https://www.theguardian.com/music/2018/nov/12/bts-should-apologise-to-japan-nazi-victims-says-rabbi-atomic-bomb この記事はソースが古いため引用元をご参照ください。引用元:http://tomcat.2ch.sc/test/read.cgi/livejupiter/1542019812/
1: 風吹けば名無し: 2018/11/12(月) 19:50:12.02 ID:x4QxEMIxM.net
TS should apologise to Japan and Nazi victims, says rabbi
A Jewish human rights organisation has condemned the record-breaking K-pop band BTS
over photographs of them wearing Nazi-style hats.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center accused BTS, who last week were dropped from a Japanese...